How Can Your Cart Improve Your Golf Game?

Automotive Blog

Unless you have a caddie to carry your clubs and other golfing accessories, you're likely aware of how much your game can be made (or broken) based on the comfort and reliability of your golf cart. New advances in cart technology now allow you to enjoy your most comfortable and relaxing game ever—and may even help improve your handicap! Read on to learn more about some of the technological advances and golf cart accessories that can help you out with your game.

Rear flip or jump seats

Most traditional golf carts have a single or double row of seats facing forward, allowing bags and clubs to be stored in the back. However, you are now able to modify your cart so that one of the bench seats faces away from the front of the cart while still allowing room for your bags. This can dramatically speed up your game if you're riding with another driver—just hop onto the back of the cart with your bag, travel to the next tee, and hop back off. 

Because you are hoisting your golf bag up next to you, rather than swinging it into the back of the cart and then getting into the front, you'll also experience less shoulder and arm strain from your heavy bag of clubs when using the rear flip seat.

Universal electrical charger

If you're not checking the weather or the wind direction on your smartphone, you may need to calibrate your shot angle with a putting aid or even record your score electronically. By purchasing an electrical charger that runs off your cart's own battery, you can ensure that none of your devices will lose power while you're in the middle of the course. Some of these chargers can even store enough power to help "jump" your cart if you inadvertently leave the key turned in the ignition, saving you a long walk back to the clubhouse.

Cigar and drink holders

Although the ability to set your cigar down at a moment's notice to take that perfect tee shot may not actually improve your game, it will certainly improve your state of mind. You may also like to have a handy insulated sleeve to help store your cold (or hot) drink while you're occupied on the green. These devices clip effortlessly onto the side of your cart, giving you instant access to whichever type of refreshment you need.


20 January 2015

Winter Tires: Everything You Need to Know

When you live in the coldest parts of the United States, you need to learn how to adapt your car to the prevailing weather conditions. Winter tires will improve traction, and can significantly lower the risk of a dangerous accident. Unfortunately, a lot of drivers don’t really understand how to choose the right winter tires, but, with fifteen years as a skilled mechanic, I hope I can use this blog to give you all the information you need. Whatever car you choose to drive, I will help you winterize your vehicle effectively, and I will also tell you about some of the problems that unsuspecting drivers face in the depths of winter. I hope you find the content interesting and informative!